By Judith A. Green
The is a full-length research of the equipment and males of presidency lower than Henry I, which seems to be in a lot higher element than is feasible for different modern states on the manner govt labored and on the careers of royal servants. Royal executive in England within the early twelfth-century was once constructing quick below political and army pressures. on the centre, chiefly through the king's lengthy absences in Normandy, new methods of supervision have been discovered, specifically within the monetary box. govt additionally supplied targeted possibilities in management, and for the 1st time it's attainable to spot a couple of males who have been successfully expert directors. The publication will hence develop into crucial examining at the reign of Henry I and at the common improvement of English govt within the 12th century.
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Chance allusions indicate that Raymond, count of Poitou, had been a member at one stage, as indeed had a relative of the Emperor, for he was one of the casualties in the wreck of the White Ship. Some were young men fighting to gain land or to recover lost inheritances, like the sons of Roger, earl of Hereford, who had lost his lands for his part in the rebellion of 1075, and possibly also, the sons of Ivo de Grandmesnil, who lost his English estates to Robert of Meulan. Some were younger sons, like Nigel d'Aubigny, whose family, from western Normandy in the first instance, had settled in England by 1086, and who had probably entered Henry's service in the 1090s.
65 In this context what is interesting is a story told about Bernard accompanying the king on an expedition into Wales. Bernard was celebrating mass in a wattle hut when the camp caught fire. Peter 56 57 B r e t t , English Church, p p . 1 0 7 - 8 . H u g h t h e C h a n t o r , The History of the Church of York 1066—1127, ed. a n d trans. Johnson (NMT, Edinburgh, 1961), pp. 33. 58 M a t t h e w Paris, Chronica Majora, ed. H . R. Luard (RS, 1872-3), 11, 124. William's services w e r e used b y b o t h Rufus a n d H e n r y , E a d m e r , Historica Novorum, p p .
It is a possibility, however, that Walter was already a constable at this date, which is why there may have been four rather than three constables in the early years of the reign. 90 The size of the entourage which accompanied the king naturally varied according to time and place, but it was considerable. Provisioning for the large numbers involved was a major operation, and it is hardly surprising that difficulties of the kind described by Eadmer and the 88 89 90 RRAN, 11, xi-xii; White, 'Household of the Norman Kings', 137-40.