By Nayak C.
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E. 72). Suppose A is such an operator. Then we can always write A = A(+) + A(−) where A(+) is the part of the expansion of A which contains positive frequencies, eiωt and A(−) is the part which contains the negative frequencies. Normal-ordering puts the A(+) ’s to the left and the A(−) ’s to the right. If we define the quantum Hamiltonian to be : H :, then we eliminate the zero-point energy. The divergent zero-point energy is the first of many ultra-violet divergences which we will encounter. They occur when we extend the upper limit of k-integrals to infinity.
5. CANONICAL QUANTIZATION OF CONTINUUM ELASTIC THEORY: PHONONS 27 can be thought of as a state with n1 phonons of momentum k1 and polarization s1 ; n2 phonons of momentum k2 and polarization s2 ;. . ; nj phonons of momentum kj and polarization sj . The creation operator a†ki ,si creates a phonon of momentum ki and polarization si while the annihilation operator ak1 ,s1 annihilates such a phonon. At the quantum level, the normalmode sound-wave oscillations have aquired a particle-like character; hence the name phonons.
19) When we quantize a classical field theory, we will promote the Poisson brackets to commutators, [, ]PB → i [, ]. 4. 2) defines a classical field theory. e. it has infinitely many degrees of freedom. This is a consequence of the continuum limit which we took. A real finite-size sample of a solid has a finite number of degrees of freedom: if there are N ions, there are 3N degrees of freedom, r1 , r2 , . . , rN . However, it is extremely convenient to take the continuum limit and ignore the difference between 3N and ∞.