When Buy Means Sell : An Investor's Guide to Investing When by Eric Shkolnik

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By Eric Shkolnik

This can be a well-written e-book that any investor, neophyte or specialist may gain advantage from. it is a great spot to begin for an schooling on a few of the extra hidden angles of the industry. The reader is inspired and built to accomplish their very own study. This booklet has turn into a great addition to my very selective library.

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Let’s estimate that at 95 percent, which is not bad for a 6-month return. After this triumph, you feel smart and go hunting for the next overpriced stock, which brings us to our next point. The worst scenario: You borrow a stock priced at $10, believing it to be overvalued. You then sell this stock on the open market and collect your $10 minus commission. Now you wait for your stock to drop in price. Only this time your dream crumbles. Within the next 6 months, the company declares record earnings (perhaps they have found a cure for cancer) and the stock soars.

And now that the buying craze has hit its peak, agreements with the good customers, the ones who promised not to sell the IPO shares immediately, can be terminated, and they begin to sell their shares on the open market. Needless to say, when a large contingent of shareholders begins to sell, prices begin to drop. com there were 996 IPOs issued during 1999 and 2000. The reason these lawsuits have any legal merit is that although it is not against the law to sell shares in hot IPOs to good customers, it is against the law to have any attachments these 30 Chapter Two so-called good customers are obligated to fulfill.

52 per share plus commission at a total cost of $175,620. Within 18 months, AtHome went bankrupt and ceased to exist. In August 2001 Net2000 Communications (NTKK) announced that five of its exec- Rules of Engagement 31 utive officers purchased an aggregate of 58,500 shares. 90 per share. 05 per share and issued a statement that it needs additional time to plan its Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. To the outside world the fact that the top brass is buying shares seems like a bullish sign, but in reality it can be a loan with forgiveness built into it.

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