Introduction to Veterinary Genetics, 3rd Edition by Nicholas F.W.

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By Nicholas F.W.

The techniques of veterinary genetics are the most important to realizing and controlling many ailments and issues in animals. also they are the most important to improving animal construction. available and obviously awarded, advent to Veterinary Genetics offers a succinct creation to the points of genetics appropriate to animal ailments and creation. Now in its 3rd version, this can be the one introductory point textbook on genetics that has been written in particular for veterinary and animal technological know-how scholars. assurance contains easy genetics, molecular biology, genomics, cytogenetics, immunogenetics, inhabitants genetics, quantitative genetics, biotechnology and using molecular instruments within the keep watch over of inherited issues.

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Subsequent refinement and expansion, accompanied by development of the silicon chip in 1976, has raised the possibility that, by the end of the decade, microcomputers could be as common in our homes as television sets. During the 1950s, computers entered the health care professions. They were primarily used for the purposes of tabulating patient charges, calculating payrolls, controlling inventory, and analyzing medical statistics. A few farsighted individuals saw the possibilities of automating selected nursing activities and records.

The technology that attempted to address clinical applications was unsuccessful. Terminal devices such as keyboard overlays, early cathode-ray tubes, and a variety of keyboard and card systems were expensive, unreliable, and unwieldy. Also, hardware and soft- History of Health Care Computing 31 ware were scarce, expensive, and inflexible. Database management systems, which are at the heart of good information software today, had not yet appeared. During this period, some hospitals installed computers in offices to do specific jobs (Ball and Jacobs, 1980).

Most importantly, however, the companies developed personnel who understood hospital operations and could communicate and translate the use of computer systems into results in their client hospitals. This added a dimension of service that is seldom offered or understood by the major hardware vendors. As a result, the business opportunities for the service companies increased. Over time, these companies have expanded their scope of services from fiscal applications and administrative services to clinical and communication applications.

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