Introduction to Crop Husbandry: Including Grassland by J. A. R. Lockhart, A. J. L. Wiseman

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By J. A. R. Lockhart, A. J. L. Wiseman

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Organic matter—especially as humus—is very beneficial because it helps to hold water and plant nutrients in the soil. On properly limed fields it breaks down very rapidly because the soil micro-organisms are very active in these open-textured soils which have a good air suppIrrigation can be very important on the coarser sands, but very fine sandy soils have a very good available-water capacity. In some sandy areas the surface soil is liable to "blow" in dry, windy weather and so could destroy a young crop.

Earthworms It is generally believed that earthworms have a beneficial effect on the fertility of soils, particu­ larly those under grass, but there is very little definite proof that they do any good on arable land. There are several different kinds found in our soils but most of their activities are very similar. They live in holes in the soil and feed on organic matter—either living plants or, more often, dead and decaying matter. They carry down into the soil fallen leaves and twigs, straw and similar materials.

This is an elaborate separation of the particles by settling from a water suspension and sieving in the laboratory which can give accurate measurements of the amount of sand, silt and clay particles present. Gravel and stones are not included in a sample for mechanical analysis. The size of particles for each material is shown in Table 4. 0 organic matter content. The organic matter is also higher in soils in cooler and higher rainfall areas. Soils are classified into textural groups for scientific research and some advisory work.

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