Database and Expert Systems Applications: 4th International by Ralph Busse, Adrian Müller, Erich J. Neuhold (auth.),

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By Ralph Busse, Adrian Müller, Erich J. Neuhold (auth.), Vladimír Mařík, Jiří Lažanský, Roland R. Wagner (eds.)

This quantity constitutes the complaints of the 4th overseas convention on Database and professional platforms functions (DEXA), held in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 1993. routinely the target of the DEXA meetings is to function a global discussion board for the dialogue and trade of analysis effects and functional experinece between theoreticians and execs operating within the box of database and synthetic intelligence applied sciences. although within the convention identify the functions element is pointed out explicitly, the theoretical and the sensible issues of view within the box are well-balanced within the software of DEXA'93. The transforming into significance of the convention sequence is printed via the remarkably excessive variety of 269 submissions and through the aid given via renown agencies. DEXA'93 is held for the 1st time outdoors the previous GDR in an East-European kingdom, and is basically contributing to the development of the East-West clinical cooperation within the box of database and AI structures. This lawsuits includes the seventy eight contributed papers conscientiously chosen through a global application committee with thesupport of a excessive variety of subreferees. the amount is equipped in sectionson info versions, dispensed databases, complicated database facets, database optimization and function assessment, spatial and geographic databases, professional structures and data engineering, criminal platforms, different database and synthetic intelligence purposes, software program engineering, and hypertext/hypermedia and consumer interfaces.

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Sage Publications, London. O. fi Abstract. We present a case of mobile and tangible computing prototypes developed for architecture design. We have carried out extensive observation of how architecture students visit places, collect material and manipulate it in design projects. The direct implications we inferred analyzing the field work material were the need of mobile support to link contextual information and the collected material. Moreover we envisioned the opportunity to create a tool to navigate and manipulate material from visits.

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G. g. Yamaha Virago. A few days prior to the experiment, we asked the test subjects to fill in a form with information we could use to prepare their respective personal pages. The information we asked for was the make and model of their bike and a picture of it. We asked them if they hade made any modifications to it or whether they used any fancy equipment they would like to tell other bikers. We also asked if they used any special web forums and in that case, which one and what nick name they used.

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