Data Mining for Biomedical Applications: PAKDD 2006 by Hon Nian Chua, Wing-Kin Sung, Limsoon Wong (auth.), Jinyan

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By Hon Nian Chua, Wing-Kin Sung, Limsoon Wong (auth.), Jinyan Li, Qiang Yang, Ah-Hwee Tan (eds.)

This publication constitutes the refereed complaints of the foreign Workshop on info Mining for Biomedical purposes, BioDM 2006, held in Singapore together with the tenth Pacific-Asia convention on wisdom Discovery and knowledge Mining (PAKDD 2006).

The 14 revised complete papers provided including 1 keynote talks have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from 35 submissions. The papers are equipped in topical sections on protein-protein interactions, database and seek, bio information clustering, and in-silico diagnosis.

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Otherwise, it is set to 0. For the class label, +1 is used to indicate extracellular proteins and -1 for intracellular proteins. We can train the SVM using different kernel functions. A kernel function Φ(x) maps the input vector x into a higher dimensional space. Nonlinear separators for the original data can be found by a linear separator in this higher dimensional space. Classical kernel functions include: Linear Kernel Function: K(xi , x) = xi ·x; Polynomial Kernel Function: K(xi , x) = (xi ·x+1)d ; and Radial Basic Function(RBF): K(xi , x) = exp(−γ xi −x 2 ).

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