Toxicology in Transition: Proceedings of the 1994 EUROTOX by K. Buerki (auth.), Gisela H. Degen, Jürg P. Seiler, Philip

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By K. Buerki (auth.), Gisela H. Degen, Jürg P. Seiler, Philip Bentley (eds.)

The quantity includes the most papers provided on the 1994 EUROTOX Congress, Basel, Switzerland, August 21-24, 1994. Toxicology has turn into a much less descriptive technology simply because extra significance has been put on the mechanisms underlying poisonous results. this can be mirrored in symposia and workshops dedicated to species transformations in organ toxicity, receptor-mediated toxicity and stereochemical results of xenobiotics. fresh development within the fields of immunotoxicology, ecotoxicology, and neurotoxicology is highlighted and documented including the current dialogue on harmonized regulatory guidelines.

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Sample text

40 Table 1. Guidelines for the use of Uncertainty Factors and Modifying Factors in Deriving Reference Doses Standard uncertainty factors (UFs) Use a lO-fold factor when extrapolating from valid experimental results in studies using prolonged exposure to average healthy humans. This factor is intended to account for the variation in sensitivity among the members of the human population and is referenced as "10H". Use an additional lO-fold factor when extrapolating from valid results of long-term studies on experimental animals when results of studies of human exposure are not available or are inadequate.

Thus, the method avoids much of the model dependency often associated with extrapolation of carcinogenicity data to low doses. Commercially available statistical programs for BMD can be applied to either "quantal" data, in which only the incidence of an effect is recorded, or "continuous" data, in which the graded severity of the effect is noted. Since there is interest in replacing the NOAEL with a BMD for developing reference doses, several attempts have been made to compare a benchmark dose with the NOAEL from the same study.

Fig. 6. Gene targeting using a selection cassette. Other Considerations Influencing the Use of Transgenic Models At least two other issues are likely to affect the development of transgenic models for toxicological testing. Animal Welfare Concerns Critics of transgenic development argue that animal patents, such as the one issued to Harvard University in 1988 for OncoMouse, would devalue animal life by reducing the animal being to a commercial commodity (Raines, 1988). It is also argued that development of animals with phenotypes that interfere with normal functioning or lifeexpectancy could be viewed as leading unnecessarily to greater animal suffering.

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