The Primal Roots of American Philosophy: Pragmatism, by Bruce Wilshire

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By Bruce Wilshire

An exploration of yankee philosophy, connecting the paintings of such thinkers as Thoreau, Emerson, Dewey and James with local American ideals and practices. Bruce Wilshire's seek isn't for detailed parallels, yet relatively for primary affinities.

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But they foretold the major and perhaps intractable conflicts appearing now at the close of our millennium: the juggernaut of science and technology in service not just of pure knowledge but of money-profit and immediate gratification. How could this juggernaut possibly be coordinated with the full gamut of needs, emotional life, and latent powers of earth and earthlings built up and funded over countless millennia in Nature? It cannot be. The demand for immediate gratification amounts to an addictive and driven mode of life.

Regard floats in the situation: strangely—very strangely—but it can be detected if we are in touch with immediate involvement—each element regards feelingly all the others. 3 He resonates to vegetables, plants, and trees: “I have no hostility to nature, but a child’s love of it. I expand and live in the warm day like corn and melons” [70]. And again, “The greatest delight which the fields and woods minister is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable. I am not alone and unacknowledged.

He was deadly serious, not merely spooky or entertaining, when he described the direct impact and providential quality of Nature. Here lies our attenuated and nearly lost bond with indigenous peoples. In the freshness of truly immediate experience, the line between subject and object is not yet drawn; object is not set over against subject. I do not regard the other simply as other. Regard floats in the situation: strangely—very strangely—but it can be detected if we are in touch with immediate involvement—each element regards feelingly all the others.

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