Rewriting the First World War: Lloyd George, Politics and by Andrew Suttie

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By Andrew Suttie

This publication offers an research of the method and behavior of operations at the Western entrance in the course of 1914-1918. It examines the British and Allied army attempt within the warfare but in addition the British best Minister's account of that attempt.

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13 Neither in Liddell Hart’s nor Lloyd George’s arguments, however, is there any reference to the neutrality issue, the increased danger to the transports while en route, nor to the disruption and dislocation that would have been likely from such an improvised plan. Perhaps most importantly, they ignored the fact that the small BEF, even if fighting alongside the Belgian Army, was no match for the larger German forces and the heavy artillery that the Germans could – and later did – use to pound Antwerp into surrender.

On the notion that Grey should have stated at the outset that Britain would regard a violation of Belgium as its casus belli perhaps Lloyd George is on firmer ground. Yet what would have been the effect? German plans, as senior British ministers knew, necessitated passing through Belgium to attack France in a massive assault, whether the Belgians agreed to their passage or not. German planners were counting on a decisive blow against France to knock it out of the war quickly; then Germany would be free to deal with the Russians.

Favouring war in support of France, however, would have alienated a great deal of Lloyd George’s support, and quite probably split the Cabinet. 55 While Lloyd George’s attitude during the days prior to the declaration of war could be construed – cynically – as a tactic designed merely to maintain or even advance his own position, it could also be interpreted, more generously, as one of a politician torn between his natural aversion to war and his realisation, on the other hand, that with France threatened by Germany, Britain’s vital national interests were at stake, and that therefore whatever means were necessary to bring the Cabinet and the country into the war united were justified.

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