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The physical system may be depicted by a number of block diagrams, that is, the block diagram may show varying amounts of detail ranging from a complete picture of all the subsidiary processes on the one hand, to a single block for the entire system on the other. In between these two extremes one may draw block diagrams to depict certain dependent variables and eliminate others as shown in (c) and (d). e. The blocks appearing in a given diagram may be viewed as a physical system by which the input and output variables are related.
We now turn to the manner in which a given process moves from one steady state to another, and specifically, the situation in which the hydrostatic level Yl9 the quantity stored g , and the flow rate g are changing. This, termed the dynamic behavior, consists of transient changes that take place as a process adjusts itself to a new set of conditions, that is, as it goes about reaching a new steady state. b. Consider a tank as in (a), into which liquid flows at the rate g i , but from which there is no loss of liquid, that is, no outflow or loss function.
A number of block diagrams may be constructed for this set of equations; the form of the diagram and content of the blocks will vary greatly, depending upon which set of variables is used. 17. Glands form a class of transducers in which the secretion rate (output) is some function of an input variable. For descriptive purposes, it is sometimes helpful to speak of a flux of material, energy, or information, but these three fluxes are often interrelated and cannot be isolated. Hence the more general term signal is applied to all biological variables, and the analysis problem is one of relating the signals to each other in an appropriate functional manner.