Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, 3rd Edition by John Timbrell

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By John Timbrell

Learn into the biochemical foundation of toxicology has accelerated swiftly over fresh years, amidst matters over the hostile results of gear, environmental pollutants and occupational risks. Following the acclaimed first variants of ideas of Biochemical Toxicology, the writer has accelerated the textual content to incorporate precis sections, questions and version solutions and punctiliously revised paintings. those good points, plus the hot easy-to-read structure, will make biochemical toxicology extra available to undergraduates and postgraduates encountering the topic for the 1st time. This finished textbook offers an intensive clarification of dose-response relationships, disposition and metabolism, poisonous responses to overseas compounds and designated examples to demonstrate mechanisms of toxicity. scholars and academics will locate the transparent and concise strategy, which validated this ebook because the best textbook in its box, a necessary relief to studying and educating.

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Extra info for Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, 3rd Edition

Sample text

O. , 6, 279. F. , 1, 1. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (1978) Principles and Methods for Evaluating the Toxicity of Chemicals, Part I, Environmental Health Criteria 6 (Geneva: WHO). ZBINDEN, G. (1979) The no-effect level, an old bone contention in toxicology. , 43, 3. ZBINDEN, G. and FLURY-ROVERSI, M. (1981) Significance of the LD50 test for the toxicological evaluation of chemical substances. , 47, 77. CHAPTER 3 Factors affecting toxic responses: disposition agents may also enter the body after administration by other routes.

7 Explain how the terms NOEL and ADI are derived. 8 Tri-o-cresyl phosphate shows absolutely cumulative toxicity. Explain this and its implications. N. (1996) Mechanisms and Concepts in Toxicology (London: Taylor and Francis). K. (1988) Acute and Sub-acute Toxicology (London: Edward Arnold). , HOLMSTEDT, B. and KEIL, G. (1986) What is Bibliography there that is not a poison: a study of the Third Defense by Paracelsus. Arch. , 58, 207. L. D. (1996) Principles of toxicology. Klaassen 5th edition (New York: McGraw Hill).

47, 77. CHAPTER 3 Factors affecting toxic responses: disposition agents may also enter the body after administration by other routes. 1 TRANSPORT ACROSS MEMBRANES Although there are several sites of first contact between a foreign compound and a biological system, the absorption phase (and also distribution and excretion) necessarily involves the passage across cell membranes whichever site is involved. Therefore it is important first to consider membrane structure and transport in order to understand the absorption of toxic compounds.

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