Otherwise Than Being or Beyond Essence by Emmanuel Levinas

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By Emmanuel Levinas

A sequel to Levinas's Totality and Infinity, this paintings is usually thought of Levinas's most vital contribution to the modern debate surrounding the closure of metaphysical discourse, a lot commented upon by means of Jacques Derrida. This paintings includes a essentially unique concept of the moral courting and describes the face-to-face dating, sensibility, accountability and speech. popular Levinas student Richard A. Cohen has contributed a brand new foreword to this version of differently than Being, that is additionally the 1st time the paintings comes in a reasonable paperback variation. This foreword, besides Alphonso Lingis's vast advent to the paintings, is a helpful instrument for researchers and scholars of Levinas's philosophy.

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Example text

This “work”—of sacrificing sacrifice, on sacrificing sacrifice—will accomplish very little, almost nothing. And that will make all the difference. Sacrifice is sacrifice only as the sacrifice of sacrifice, and the sacrifice of sacrifice is necessary, yet impossible and useless. But that is precisely what makes sacrifice sacrifice. This is the question of sacrifice. This moment in the genealogy of sacrifice is the moment in history when the work of sacrifice unworks itself. Ours is the moment in history, if only for a moment, that calls for dwelling with this question 8 The Sacrifice of Sacrifice of sacrifice.

But before doing that it will be necessary to consider the work of Derrida on sacrifice. I argue that everything on sacrifice in the work of Derrida hinges on the aporetic moment of the double bind of sacrifice: the moment when the sacrifice of (economical) sacrifice turns into the sacrifice of (aneconomical) sacrifice, and vice versa. Following his reading of the work of Bataille in “From Restricted to General Economy: A Hegelianism without Reserve,” Derrida’s next sustained consideration of sacrifice—Glas—again occurs within the context of the work of Hegel.

This moment in the genealogy of sacrifice is the moment in history when the work of sacrifice unworks itself. Ours is the moment in history, if only for a moment, that calls for dwelling with this question 8 The Sacrifice of Sacrifice of sacrifice. In the (im)possible moment of the unworking of the work of sacrifice, in the moment of this (im)possible sacrifice, one is called (in the words of T. S. Eliot) to “wait without hope / For hope would be hope for the wrong thing” (in “East Coker” from Four Quartets).

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