On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: CoopIS, by Radosław Adamus, Kazimierz Subieta (auth.), Robert Meersman,

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By Radosław Adamus, Kazimierz Subieta (auth.), Robert Meersman, Zahir Tari (eds.)

A unique point out for 2004 is to ensure that the recent Doctoral Symposium Workshop the place 3 younger postdoc researchers geared up an unique setup and formulation to convey PhD scholars jointly and make allowance them to post their study proposals for choice. A restricted variety of the submissions and their methods have been independently evaluated through a panel of senior specialists on the convention, and offered by means of the scholars in entrance of a much broader viewers. those scholars additionally received loose entry to all different elements of the OTM software, and purely paid a seriously discounted expense for the Doctoral Symposium itself. (In truth their attendance used to be mostly subsidized through the opposite participants!) If evaluated as winning, it's the purpose of the final Chairs to extend this version in destiny versions of the OTM meetings and so attract an viewers of younger researchers to the OnTheMove discussion board. All 3 major meetings and the linked workshops percentage the d- tributed facets of recent computing platforms, and the ensuing applicati- pull created via the net and the so-called Semantic net. For DOA 2004, the first emphasis stayed at the allotted item infrastructure; for ODBASE 2004, it was once the information bases and techniques required for permitting using formalsemantics;andforCoopIS2004themaintopicwastheinteractionofsuch applied sciences and strategies with administration concerns, resembling happens in networked businesses. those topic components clearly overlap and plenty of submissions in factalsotreatenvisagedmutualimpactsamongthem.

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Read or Download On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE: OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2004, Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 25-29, 2004, Proceedings, Part II PDF

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Extra info for On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE: OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2004, Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 25-29, 2004, Proceedings, Part II

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Taxonomy C over set D = {d1 , d2 , . . , dl }. Set D contains categories for product classification. Each category de ∈ D represents one specific topic that products bk ∈ B may fall into. Topics express broad or narrow categories. The partial taxonomic order C : D → 2D retrieves all immediate sub-categories C(de ) ⊆ D for topics de ∈ D. Hereby, we require that C(de )∩C(dh ) = ∅ holds for all de , dh ∈ D, e = h, hence imposing tree-like structuring, similar to single-inheritance class hierarchies known from object-oriented languages.

Consequently, book ratings express full appreciation and trust statements express full trust only. com’s book taxonomy contains 15, 525 distinct topics, each connected to the root node via one single unique topic chain. com’s book taxonomy were found. Book ratings referring to one of those 6, 55% books not having valid taxonomic content descriptors were discarded. One can see that using the All Consuming dataset only partially exploits functionalities our trust-based recommender system is able to unfold.

Vi = vj = s / |D|. Values for c(ai , aj ) range from −1 to +1, where negative values indicate negative correlation, and positive values positive correlation, respectively. 4 Supposing implicit product ratings, the generation of taxonomy-driven profiles for products bk equates profile generation for pseudo-user aθ having implicitly rated bk only. -N. Ziegler and G. 8 0 Fig. 3. 4 Recommendation Generation Candidate recommendation products bk for the active user ai are taken from the set of products that ai ’s top-M neighbors have implicitly rated, discounting those products that ai already knows.

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