Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of the Logos. Book by Angela Ales Bello (auth.), Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (eds.)

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By Angela Ales Bello (auth.), Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (eds.)

The man or woman is at the present time on the middle of medical, social, moral and philosophical debates.

The Human Condition-in-the-unity-of-everything-there-is-alive, less than whose aegis the current choice of essays falls, deals the urgently wanted new method of reinvestigating humanness. whereas contemporary advances within the neurosciences, genetics and bio-engineering problem the normal summary notion of "human nature", indicating its transformability, hence setting up query the most tenets of conventional philosophical anthropology, within the new point of view of the Human inventive Condition the human person is obvious in its emergence and unfolding in the dynamic networks of the logos of life, and in the evolution of dwelling varieties. simply an analogous, the creative emblems of the brain lifts the human individual right into a sphere of freedom. in the networks of the emblems we retrieve the classical rules – human topic, ego, self, physique, soul, individual – reinterpret them to counter the naturalistic critique (Tymieniecka).

Thus rules of a brand new philosophical anthropology enjoyable the necessities of the current time are laid down.

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Example text

The ‘‘gripped’’ body is the body of mystic ecstasy that is assumed in a dimension different ff from the habitual one and loses its sensitivity to acquire another that, according to the testimony of the mystics, is more ample and more dilated. THE LANGUAGE OF OUR LIVING BODY 11 The ‘‘transparent’’ body lets pass whatever is felt, thought and wanted, permits communication with the interiority of the others. These brief indications suggest on the one hand that the attitudes I have just described can be assumed by the same person at different ff times and some of them even contemporaneously and it does not by any means follow that they are always bound up with a typology, even though it is possible to define such a typology and let individuals fall into it; on the other hand, one notes that the body can be a means of or an obstacle to communication, but with whom does one communicate?

So touching is at the same time a bodily sensation and thus a self-awareness of the touching body, which occurs where the body is touching. Consciously experienced sensations are localised in that part of the body where feeling, seeing, hearing etc. take place. Conscious embodiment is constituted by bodily self-awareness, which is a peculiar kind of tactile, sensorimotor and proprioceptive sensibility, whereby the lived body senses itself. There is bodily self-awareness when localised sensations are present.

G. 14 According to the author the necessity varies according to the interrelated correlations and the corresponding judgments are also called necessary. D. TRANSCENDENTAL TURN Phenomenological method, presented in the IIdeen I, has been a great instrument to interpret the movement from the naturalistic attitude to the transcendental one even if according to Husserl; ... e. 16 The so called ‘‘transcendental 26 MOBEEN SHAHID idealism’’17 of Husserl should not be understood neither as the German Idealism of Fichte or Hegel nor as of Kantian criticism because it is the essential description of the essential cognitive structures of the subject.

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