Lived time : phenomenological and psychopathological studies by Eugène Minkowski, Nancy Metzel

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By Eugène Minkowski, Nancy Metzel

E-book through Eugène Minkowski

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Consequently, the desire to return can Signif� only one for us : to make contact again with life and With that which IS natural and primitive in it, to return to the first source from which not only science springs but also all the other manifestations of spiritual life. It would mean that we could again study the essential relations which are found primi­ _ _ tively, �ong the vanous phenomena of which life is composed, before science has fashioned them in its manner. We would attempt to draw something else from them than science has without becoming immersed either in a primitive naturalism or a my� ticis� which is very often as far from reality as science I� , and, m the Images to which it has recourse, just as rationalis­ _ tic.

If I could see them at least two or three times a week I could tell myself that I had seen them recently and that I would see them again soon. Finally, on another level of ideas, we recall one of Gilbert Robin's patients, a schizophrenic, who shot his watch with a revolver in order to kill time ( at least symbolically ) , which he considered his worst enemy. We will not tarry any longer over these examples. We will return to them again. Here we have mentioned them only to show that neither the idea of measurable time in the domain of the normal nor the distortion of time in the psychopathological domain can exting�ish the phenomenon of time as lived.

What we have in view is something posi­ tive, in the sense that we are positing a fundamental incompati­ bility between the phenomenon of becoming and the processes of this kind of thought. Becoming frees itself by its very nature from all judgment, any attribute, any subject or object. Pattern­ ing itself after being, thought is revealed as incapable of treating becoming. Becoming is inaccessible to knowledge not because it remains behind knowledge but because it is present, completely given, posing no problem about its nature which could be the concern of discursive thought.

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