Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems: ACM by Thomas Lundqvist, Per Stenström (auth.), Frank Mueller, Azer

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By Thomas Lundqvist, Per Stenström (auth.), Frank Mueller, Azer Bestavros (eds.)

This ebook constitutes the strictly refereed post-workshop complaints of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and instruments for Embedded platforms, LCTES '98, held in Montreal, Canada, in June 1998.
The 19 revised papers provided have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from a complete of fifty four submissions for inclusion within the publication; additionally incorporated are one complete paper and an summary of an invited contribution. The papers deal with all present facets of analysis and improvement within the speedily growing to be sector of embedded platforms and real-time computing.

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Extra info for Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop LCTES’98 Montreal, Canada, June 19–20, 1998 Proceedings

Example text

T. -D. Rhee, S. L. Min, C. Y. Park, H. Shin, K. Park, and C. S. Kim. An accurate worst case timing analysis technique for RISC processors. In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, pages 97-108, December 1994. 11. Y. A. Liu and G. Gomez. Automatic Accurate Time-Bound Analysis for HighLevel Languages. Dept. of Computer Science, Indiana University, Technical Report TR-508, April 1998. 12. P. Magnusson, F. Dahlgren, H. Grahn, M. Karlsson, F. Larsson, A. Moestedt, J. Nilsson, P. StenstrSm, and B.

For example, in the case of most caches unknown means that a cache block is invalid, and the unioning of two cache timing states makes all cache blocks whose tags differ invalid. We call this method the pessimistic merge, since it can incur a severe pessimism in the estimation. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce the pessimism when merging. If it was known in advance which path belongs to the worst case path through the program, one could update the worst-case execution time with the execution time of that path and also choose the timing state of that path when merging and discard the timing state of the other path.

G. arrays). Section 6 describes related work from the area of WCET estimation for real-time systems and Section 7 concludes. 3 Scalar Variables Must and may analyses can be used to predict the behavior of data caches or combined instruction/data caches, if the addresses of referenced data can be statically computed. , a register that points to a known address within the procedure frame on the execution stack. For programs without recursive procedures, it is possible to determine all values of the stack or frame pointers for all procedures for the distinguished execution contexts of the cache behavior analysis.

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