Introduction to Computational Biology: Maps, sequences and by Michael S. Waterman

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By Michael S. Waterman

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The reason for this large size is the need to include all the information required to encode a human. While the human genetic material or genome is about 1000 times that of a bacterium, even bacterial genomes are large. Generally the size of the genome is an indicator of the size of the organism, but this is not a fixed rule. 6: General chemical structure of an amino acid (a) with more detail shown in (b) For example, the genomes of certain lilies and lungfish are about I 00 times larger than the human.

Host lysis II 35 30 ~ 25 II Tail components and assembly tll ::! ; t"l s" ;:, 0 ~ ..... 2: Restriction map of bacteriophage>.. Genetic functions are indicated at the top of the figure by brackets. v are said to be adjacent. The degree of a vertex v is the number of distinct edges e such that v E e. Directed graphs are graphs where the edges have a direction e = ( u, v) that is ordered. v uv2. nv2 A bipanite graph is a graph such that = VI VI = 0, and e = {u, v} E E implies u E YJ and v E V2 or v E V1 and u E V2.

5 is a sketch of two 02 molecules in Van der Waals contact. 0 kcal/mol. • Hydrophobic interactions occur among nonpolar molecules that cannot interact with water. The attraction is due to their aggregation in water, due to the noninteraction with water. 0 kcal/mol. Classes of Biomolecules Many small molecules are present in organisms. They are needed for various reactions or are the product of these reactions. The general classes of small molecules are sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, and nucleotides.

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