Interactive systems for experimental applied math (Proc ACM by Klerer M , Reinfelds J (eds )

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By Klerer M , Reinfelds J (eds )

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The identifier o and timestamp t of object are not expected to vary in different LoDs because the matching between LoD representations is based on o and modification of object o must be propagated to each of its LoD representations (and its value t must be updated). e. g = g i , will be noted oi in order to simplify notations. e. g = P i for each level of detail i where o is represented. A polyline P is defined as a sequence of vertices {V1 , . . , Vn } such that each couple (Vi , Vi+1 ) defines a segment [Vi , Vi+1 ].

Reduction of Data Volume. Use of increments in a mobile context has to be justified by a less important size of increments Inc(Om , m → n) than LoD representations of objects On . It is expected to be more efficient to transfer only increments than to download “entire” LoD representations [1]. Reduction of data volume is evaluated with increment cost CInc . e. its vertices, in order to rebuild its LoD n one. This reconstruction is made through increments points. 3 an increment point as a couple (opi , Vij ) where an operator opi is combined with a manipulated vertex Vij .

The path may follow segments of streets or walkways, but may also cross these. This assumption requires a different approach to describing routes and a different handling of uncertainty, which we will explain in the following sections. 3 Approach The route we use in our approach consists of a sequence of waypoints. In order to generate refined instructions for navigation, it is crucial to know how close the 34 M. Wuersch and D. Caduff navigator is to the next waypoint. Consider the example of a tourist in the process of following a predefined route as illustrated in Figure 3.

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