Eros and Eris: Contributions to a Hermeneutical by Samuel Ijsseling (auth.), Paul van Tongeren, Paul Sars,

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By Samuel Ijsseling (auth.), Paul van Tongeren, Paul Sars, Chris Bremmers, Koen Boey (eds.)

The articles during this ebook exhibit the originality and creativity of Eros and Eris, and their vital position within the background of our tradition, quite within the historical past of philosophy and its position in modern-day systematic philosophy. even though those contributions to a hermeneutical phenomenology during this compilation are geared up in a linear-chronological order (treating Homer, Hesiod, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Cusanus, Kant, Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger and Levinas), all of them perform their very own hermeneutical stream within the historical past of philosphy at the foundation of a dedication with no lifestyles, right here and now, and a thematic, specialist curiosity.
one of the participants are: R. Bernasconi, J. Colette, J.F. Courtine, L. Dupré, Kl. Düsing, J. Greisch, J. Kockelmans, P.-J. Labarrière and G. Jarczyk, E. Levinas, Al. Lingis, J.-L. Marion, O. Pöggeler, W. Richardson, P. Ricoeur, J. Sallis, M. Theunissen and S. IJsseling.

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In: Vernünftiges Denken. W. Kamlah zum Gedächtnis. Hrsg. von J. Mittelstraß und M. Riedel. BerliniNew York 1978,420-446; H.

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