Complicated Presence: Heidegger and the Postmetaphysical by Jussi Backman

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By Jussi Backman

A artificial evaluate of Heidegger’s complete direction of considering as a thorough try and thematize and reconsider the elemental notions of harmony dominating the Western metaphysical tradition.

From its Presocratic beginnings, Western philosophy involved itself with a quest for harmony either when it comes to the systematization of information and as a metaphysical look for a harmony of being—two traits that may be considered as converging and culminating in Hegel’s procedure of absolute idealism. considering the fact that Hegel, besides the fact that, the philosophical quest for solidarity has develop into more and more not easy. Jussi Backman returns to that question during this ebook, reading where of the team spirit of being within the paintings of Heidegger. Backman sketches a constant photograph of Heidegger as a philosopher of solidarity who all through his profession in numerous methods tried to return to phrases with either Parmenides’s and Aristotle’s primary questions about the singularity or multiplicity of being—attempting to take action, although, in a “postmetaphysical” demeanour rooted in instead of above and past specific, located beings. via his research, Backman bargains a brand new manner of figuring out the elemental continuity of Heidegger’s philosophical venture and the interconnectedness of such key Heideggerian strategies as ecstatic temporality, the ontological distinction, the flip (Kehre), the development (Ereignis), the fourfold (Geviert), and the research of recent technology.

Jussi Backman is college Lecturer in Philosophy on the college of Jyväskylä, Finland.

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Additional info for Complicated Presence: Heidegger and the Postmetaphysical Unity of Being (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

Sample text

Trans. William McNeill, 231–38, 374. • “Letter on ‘Humanism,’ ” trans. Frank A. Capuzzi, 239– 76, 374–75. • “On the Question of Being,” trans. William McNeill, 291–322, 375–76. • “Hegel and the Greeks,” trans. Robert Metcalf, 323–36, 376–77. PR The Principle of Reason. Trans. Reginald Lilly. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1991. • “The Principle of Reason,” 1–113. PRL The Phenomenology of Religious Life. Trans. Matthias Fritsch and Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2004.

The rest of the study is dedicated to readings, in chronological order, of selected key texts by Heidegger from the thematic viewpoint of ultimate unity and of the unity of being. Chapter 2 follows the beginnings of Heidegger’s career from his 1915 dissertation on Duns Scotus to his fundamental ontological magnum opus, Being and Time. Its focus is on the notions of the “ecstatic unity” of Dasein’s timeliness (Zeitlichkeit) and of its correlation with the “horizonal unity” of the temporal schemata constituting the temporality (Temporalität) of being itself, a problematic structure which Heidegger was never able to conceptualize in an adequate and definitive way.

Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1992. Ni I Nietzsche, vol. 1: The Will to Power as Art. Trans. and ed. David Farrell Krell. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1991. • “The Will to Power as Art,” 1–220. Ni II Nietzsche, vol. 2: The Eternal Recurrence of the Same. Trans. and ed. David Farrell Krell. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1991. • “The Eternal Recurrence of the Same,” 1–208. ” 209–33. Ni III Nietzsche, vol. 3: The Will to Power as Knowledge and as Metaphysics. Trans. Joan Stambaugh, David Farrell Krell, and Frank A.

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