Annotated Key to Lambdin's Introduction to Biblical Hebrew by H. G. M. Williamson;

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By H. G. M. Williamson;

Lambdin's creation to Biblical Hebrew has proven itself as a typical textbook in schools and universities in addition to being often utilized by those that desire to educate themselves Biblical Hebrew. the shortcoming of a key to the numerous routines within the boo

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Example text

The law is good and the words which are in it are good. 43 Lesson 11 10. A voice came out of the middle of the cloud 1 1 . Have you gone out of the wicked city? 12. The prophet called out in a loud voice to the people, The words which you have spoken are very evil1. 1 Note that in Hebrew the two adjectives need to be joined with the conjunction. 2 Notice that the subject, follows the indirect object , because the latter is expressed only pronominally. See the 'note on word order' following exercise (a) of Lesson 7 above.

Hl'nopeiet. 5. el haggan. 6. hia'am yofeW/n ba'are$hazzo't 6 kl hi'goddlah wayapiah. 7. hti'nqten 'e$ 'al-ha'lr hara'ah haht1. 7 32 Lesson 9 (a) It hardly needs saying that complete familiarity with the scheme of the perfect is vital for continuing successfully with the study of Hebrew. By way of encouragement it may be noted that the same endings are also used for the perfect tense of all the 'derived verbs' which follow in Lessons 37-51. yarad yaSab zakar yarsdah yaSdtiah zakarah yaradta yaSabta zakarta yaradt yaSabt zakart yaradtl yaSabtf zakarti yaradti ya$3bd zaksrti yaradtem ysSabtem zskartem yaradten yaSabten zakarten yaradnQ yaSabnQ zakarnO (b) 1.

12. The prophet called out in a loud voice to the people, The words which you have spoken are very evil1. 1 Note that in Hebrew the two adjectives need to be joined with the conjunction. 2 Notice that the subject, follows the indirect object , because the latter is expressed only pronominally. See the 'note on word order' following exercise (a) of Lesson 7 above. 3 For , see Vocabulary 11, §56. It is, of course, part of the verb , 'to say'. '. Its function is not unlike the opening of inverted commas in English.

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