By Anthony Philip French Edwin F.Taylor
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1-11 A NOTE ON X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY The early study of x rays was one of the most exciting and important episodes in the history of physics. It was in 1895 that W. K. Roentgen first observed the production of penetrating radiation when cathode rays (themselves not yet fully understood) were stopped in the walls of a discharge tube. u Sev31 W. K. December 39 1-11 Roentgen, Sitzungsber, 28, 1895; translated, Nature 53, A Wurzburger 274 (1896). note on x-ray spectroscopy Phys. -Med. , Collimating Screen with photographic emulsion X-ray tube 4 "%-- — Crystal target (a) Fig.
Planck, Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. The 2, 244 (1900). 2727X10" can 1! 80324 x 10"' Atomic masses and We '= together with the eharge-to-mass ratio e, the electron (Eq. 1-2), " ,= modern given by is =»•"*> *">»8 sizes now determine Avogadro's number, N. Making the reasonable assumption that e is equal both to the magni- tude of the charge of the electron and also to the smallest charge carried by any individual ion once combine Eqs. 60 this crucial 22xV =6022Xl023 constant established, ( we can '- 4 > then infer the values of individual atomic masses (these are just the gram- N) and of atomic volumes and we can use the densities of the ele- atomic weights divided by radii.
The 2R and each atom effectively occupies a cube of edge 2R. 10 To a simple cubic packing of atoms center-to-center distance between neighboring atoms II n. we assume Simple models of the atom by a distance 2R, and each atom of a cube of edge 2R: in effect takes up the volume Va = {2Rf=-=-^- (1-5) pN n so that -*&r Some results of such calculations for different substances are Table listed in it does 1-1. Although the analysis mentioned illustrate the point is admittedly crude, and earlier, that light heavy atoms have much the same size, corresponding to a ra1 A.