Transgender equality : a handbook for activists and by Paisley Currah

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By Paisley Currah

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Building on that Enacting trans-protective foundation to educate legislators about the need for trans-inclusive legislation depends on a laws is a far more realistic approach than attempting to create those strong alliance between relationships, which take years to develop, from scratch. gay and trans people. In fact, every successful effort to win civil rights protections for trans people has taken place in a jurisdiction that either already has a gay rights law in place, or in which gay and trans activists have worked together to pass a comprehensive non-discrimination law that includes both sexual orientation and gender identity.

Because the working draft of the bill included the trans-inclusive language that Garcia had given the city councilors, It's Time, Illinois! activists decided not to attend the hearings. “[We] stayed out, figuring why rock the boat. We're included; we don't need to be present at the hearings. it can blow up in your face. ” In drafting bills, most questions about trans-inclusive language revolve around two critical definitional issues: first, which words should be used to indicate that discrimination against transgender people is prohibited, and second, where should those words appear in the statute.

I always tell them that I am a girl. If I were not able to wear clothes that were comfortable to me at work, I would have to find another profession. If I did there would be approximately 1500 people a year in Louisville who would have no health care. I am angry at society that tells women like me I should work construction or be an auto mechanic. I am an educated professional and deserve to work in my chosen profession. Much of the discrimination that occurs against gay, lesbian and bisexual people is not because of their sexual orientation but is because that person has presented themselves as gender deviant.

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