Toxicology of Halogenated Hydrocarbons. Health and by M. A. Q. Kahn, Richard H. Stanton

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By M. A. Q. Kahn, Richard H. Stanton

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Extra info for Toxicology of Halogenated Hydrocarbons. Health and Ecological Effects

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Primary carcinoma of the liver in Viet Nam. Chirurgie 99, 427-436. W. W. Jennings (1973). Chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin contamination of two commercially available pentachlorophenols. _J. Agri. Food Chem. 21, 739-740. A. Holla, and J. Denton (1943). Observations on the toxic effects resulting from exposure to chlorinated naphthalene and chlorinated phenyls with suggestions for prevention. The Rubber Age, 53, 419-426. H. Keoman (1970). Comparative toxicologic study with polychlorinated biphenyls in chickens with special reference to porphyria, edema formation, liver necrosis and tissue residues.

See figs. 1 and 2 . In each case the number of sampling units selected within a specific region or division was allocated on the basis of the proportion of the population residing in that geographic area. Cities which actually served as collection sites were randomly selected from a list of eligible locations. In the fiscal year 1 9 7 0 through 1 9 7 5 surveys, the eligible locales were cities with populations in excess of 2 5 , 0 0 0 individuals. For the fiscal y e a r ' 1 9 7 6 and 1 9 7 7 annual surveys, eligible sampling sites were drawn from Standard M e t r o p o l i t a n Statistical Areas (SMSA's).

This residue was representative of exposure to the insecticide benzene hexachloride (BHC). The data presented in fig. 8 showed that this chemical was widely distributed at low levels in the human population sampled during all seven years. Although there seemed to be a trend toward reduction in the quantity of residue, there was no reduction in the frequency of detection, which remained high during all years. Other residues. Residues of alpha-benzene hexachloride, lindane (gamma-benzene hexachloride) and mirex also have been detected in human adipose tissue from the general population.

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