The Battlecruiser HMS Hood by Bruce Taylor, Thomas Schmid

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By Bruce Taylor, Thomas Schmid

Книга The Battlecruiser HMS Hood. The Battlecruiser HMS Hood. Книги Вооружение Автор: B.Taylor Формат: pdf Размер: 102 Язык: Английский0 (голосов: zero) Оценка:Подробная иллюстрированная история линейного крейсера 'Худ' Британского королевского ВМФ.

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Extra info for The Battlecruiser HMS Hood

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To the left is Port 4in Mk V High-Angle gun. Opposite is the Night defence control station with its viewing slit and beside it a ready· use ammunition locker for the 4in gun. Just forward is the port tripod support of the mainmast along with an exhaust pipe from the after diesel dynamo on the platform deck. sin ammunition working space abaft the trunking of'B' turret. From here, and here alone, could access be gained to the Hood's great armoured citadel, the conning tower or 'Queen Anne's Mansions' as the men called it.

TKInIR~moldCoIlKtion IS OrereT. TI,e Sea Heritage, p. 288. • Williams, Gone A Long joumey, p. t23. 11 Eller, Reminiscences, II, pp. 463-4. '1 lowe this detail to Vice-Admiral Sir Louis Le Bailly, letter to the author, 23 NO\'ember 2001. The Battlecruiser HMS HOOD 30 19 M Rea, A Curate's Egg, p. 120. Cited in Coles & Briggs, Flagship Hood. pp. 10-11. January 1920. 26. 12 The Navy, February 1920. p. 13. 21 The ship's canteen on the upper deck amidships in about 1924, stacked high with supplies and provisions to augment the sailor's diet and cater to his dayto-day needs.

J. Biggenden was lost with lheship in May 1941. 'I The first compartment on the port side was the midshipmen's chest flat, designed for smaller numbers than were usually borne. Beyond this stretched a dozen warrant officers' cabins, the last demarcated by the 4-inch bulkhead running between 'Y' turret and the ship's side. On the starboard side, across a flat dominated by the enormous trunks of'X' and 'Y' turrets, lay the Warrant Officers' mess, pantry, bathroom and lavatories together with a further range of cabins.

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