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6) are nearly equal; then, a small change in r causes a large fractional change in wo. , w& becoming less negative) with increasing pressure leads to an increase in w,, which in turn leads to a decrease in To, as can be seen fi-om Eq. 12). Ultimately, according to this model, at sufficiently high pressure the increase in the short-range forces Rb should make the harmonic contribution wo to the soft-mode frequency real and finite. , the FE transition should vanish and the PE phase remains stable to the lowest temperatures.

Muldawer, and 0. Beckman, A m Metall. 11, 447 (1963). 48 I . Leikowitz, M . Shields, G. Dolling, W. J. L. Buyers, and R . A. Cowley, J p n . J . Phys. 28, Suppl. 249 (1970). G. Harbeke, E. F. Steigmeier, and R. K. Wehner, Solid Stute Commun. 8, 1765 (1970). 01) exhibit cubicrhombohedral transitions at finite temperatures, and there is evidence that the rhombohedral phase is f e r r ~ e l e c t r i c . , materials whose soft FE mode does not quite vanish at 0 K and To < 0 K). Since these materials are highly conducting and covalent, the theory of Section I1 is not directly applicable.

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