Relativistic Nonlinear Electrodynamics: Interaction of by Hamlet K. Avetissian

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By Hamlet K. Avetissian

This booklet is on diverse nonlinear schemes of unfastened Electron Lasers, Laser Accelerators, and Electron-Positron pair creation and covers the idea of interplay of sturdy and tremendous powerful laser fields with charged debris and vacuum. those subject matters might be within the heart of basic learn within the subsequent decade. the writer, who has over 30 years of expertise during this box, has constructed non-linear idea and new ways to resolve respective relativistic classical and quantum difficulties. The booklet could be in particular important for researchers, scholars and practitioners within the fields of Particle and Laser Physics.

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80) for the spinor functions Ψ1,2 we obtain the equations i ∂Ψ1 − cσ PΨ1 = mc2 Ψ2 , ∂t i ∂Ψ2 + cσ PΨ2 = mc2 Ψ1 . 81) 22 1 Interaction of a Charged Particle with EM Wave in Vacuum Then acting on the first equation by the operator i ∂/∂t + cσ P and taking into account the relation (σa) (σb) = (ab) + iσ [ab] we obtain the Dirac equation in quadratic form: 2 ∂2 − ∂t2 2 2 c ν0 ∂ ∂r 2 + c2 P2⊥ + m2 c4 − ec σ(H − iE) Ψ1 = 0. 83) where E and H are the electric and magnetic field strengths of the plane EM wave determined by Eq.

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Neglect the contribution from the spin interaction. The latter is essential for large angle scattering which produces a minor contribution to the total cross sections (for optical frequencies the quantum recoil is negligibly small). For the strong laser fields one should take into account a large number of terms in Eqs. 152) since multiphoton absorption/emission processes already play a significant role for moderate laser intensities (ξ0 1) in 44 1 Interaction of a Charged Particle with EM Wave in Vacuum contrast, for example, to nonlinear Compton scattering where multiphoton processes become essential for ξ0 ∼ 1 and the cutoff number of absorbed photons ∼ ξ03 .

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