Paradox Lost: Images of the Quantum by Philip R. Wallace

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By Philip R. Wallace

"Medical scientists use the be aware `iatrogenic' to consult disabilities which are the outcome of scientific remedy. We think that a few such be aware could be coined to consult philosophical problems for which philosophers themselves are in charge" Sir Peter Medawar Arguing that quantum concept because it stands might be the main accomplished, well-verified, and winning idea within the historical past of technological know-how, the writer clears away the effect that it really is an incomplete, philosophically incorrect, and self-contradictory idea. simply obtainable to an individual with a bit past wisdom of technological know-how, Wallace examines the various "paradoxes" and "difficulties" claimed for quantum mechanics, and exhibits that they're as a result of excesses of interpretation which have been imposed at the theory.

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Now consider four balls of different colors: red, green, blue, white. In how many ways can we apportion them between two boxes? While there is still only one way to realize cases A and E, there are 4 ways of realizing Band D and 6 ways of realizing C, so there are now 16 ways rather than 5 of accomplishing the task. This can be important in thermodynamics, where the entropy of a system depends on the number of ways of realizing it. Thus, the thermodynamics of identical particles is quite different from that of distinguishable ones.

Ifwe had such light, it would have passed through the first two filters intact; the third would then have blocked it all out. This means that measurements of angular momentum and linear polarization interfere with each other; finding the angular momentum destroys the linear polarization and vice versa. They are not mutually compatible properties of light. Do we then say that these two properties are "uncertain"? It hardly seems the obvious way to describe the situation. How does the introduction of the quantum affect the preceding arguments?

Just as the spherical symmetry of radiated electromagnetic fields may be broken by giving the generating antenna a definite spatial orientation, so may the symmetry of the hydrogen atom be broken by the magnetic field. The manner in which this comes about is this: An atom with an angular momentum embodies a steady electric current, which makes it effectively a magnet, and this magnet may be turned by an external magnetic field. Note, however, that a steady current does not generate electromagnetic radiation and so does not destabilize the state of the atom; it simply gives it the properties of a stationary magnet.

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