By Anne-Marie Sapse
This booklet specializes in what different types of organic difficulties might be solved through quantum mechanical calculations and the way to pick the ideal tools.
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The process of de coherence leads to a new type of (generalized) dynamical coarse graining. 17) n m,n where Pn projects on to the n-th decohered subspace, while LPn = n. 18) m and valid in the time direction defined by decoherence, as was shown by Joos (1984). 18) describes an ensemble of stochastic evolutions n(t), it defines probabilities for coarse-grained "histories", corresponding to timeordered sequences of projections Pn, (td ... Pnk(td. 19) (using the property p 2 = P of projection operators).
A corresponding collapse was therefore postulated by Liiders (1951) in his generalization of von Neumann's "first intervention" (Sect. 3). 7 Some authors seem to have taken the phenomenological collapse in the microscopic system by itself too literally, and therefore disregarded the state of the measurement device in their measurement theory (see Machida and Namiki 1980, Srinivas 1984, and Sect. 1). Their approach is based on the assumption that quantum states must always exist for all systems.
In a statistical description, ensembles of Hamiltonians may be more appropriate, since the effect of the environment is usually treated as an "uncontrollable perturbation" (see also Sect. 3). For this purpose, the Liouville equation is replaced by some master equation which is equivalent to a (time-asymmetric) stochastic dynamics (master equations are discussed in detail in Chap. 7). Nevertheless, a unique state can still be assumed to exist. Each part of the entire system has its own state, described by the coordinates q and momenta p, even if a statistical description by distributions in phase space is appropriate (since the state is not known or not dynamically determined in practice).