By Joseph Lasalle
Foreign Symposium on Nonlinear Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics
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A n d φχχ(χ, exists for almost all χ a n d every y. Actually, t h e lower a n d u p p e r partial derivatives
T h e n , we have successively, as in (a), Im - m I= 1 I 2 I T"1 - ? (*) I = I *>i 2 < rT J - At | < ο *2 + J + 26 Τμ. 0 [F(s> ftW) - (Fs> F o r some Λ; in [0, T] we have | qx{x) — ? 2 ( x ) I = Φ)) ~ m i bp, + ds d hence a n /X < d + 2bTp, μ<(\ -ibry^d. Thus d e p e n d s continuously on v, and, as a consequence, also m d e p e n d s continuously on v. T h e r e b y s t a t e m e n t (b) is proved. HYPERBOLIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 47 W e shall use t h e notations q(x, v)y m(v) to emphasize t h e d e p e n d e n c e of q on χ and v, and of m on v.
T h e vector function f{x>yy z9p9 q) is c o n t i n u o u s in R. 1) * I), 2 for all 0 < x, xl9 x2 < T; — a < y, yl9 y2 < a; \ ζ | , | z± | , | z2 \ < Mx\ IΡ I < M2\ I q I < M 3 . I t is n o t restrictive to s u p p o s e t h a t ωΐ9 α>2, ω 3 are actually c o n t i n u o u s a n d m o n o t o n e in [0, + °°). T h e vector functions u'0(x), v'^y) are c o n t i n u o u s in [0, T ] , a n d [— a9 a] respectively. 2) Let (β) ηι rj^oc) = (1 - 2Γ6)" 1 [ωΒ(β) + 2Τω2{β) + 2Τωζ(Μ3β) = (1 - αΜ)- 1 + ΑΏΜΤβ\9 [ω4(α) + αω^α) + αω 3(Μ 2α) + 2Laboc)].