From Photons to Higgs : A Story of Light by Moo-Young Han

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By Moo-Young Han

This booklet offers a short creation to the quantum box conception of the normal version for quarks and leptons. With minimum use of arithmetic, it covers the fundamentals of quantum box idea, neighborhood gauge box conception, spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism, the Higgs mechanism and quantum chromodynamics.

From the time while the 1st variation used to be released until eventually this present day, the sphere of particle physics has obvious a few significant break-through with the prospective discovery of Higgs particle, sometimes called the Higgs boson. within the moment version, the recognized Higgs mechanism is integrated to give an explanation for the symmetry breaking within the normal version and the beginning of mass, and all of this is often defined in high-school point algebra.

geared toward either scientists and non-specialists, it calls for just some rudimentary wisdom of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formula of Newtonian mechanics in addition to a uncomplicated figuring out of the targeted idea of relativity and quantum mechanics to get pleasure from this book.

Readership: scholars, researchers, lecturers and non-specialists drawn to quantum box conception.

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The new quantum reality, the wave–particle duality, describes a quantum thing that is neither a particle in classical sense nor a wave in classical sense. We can shorten the name to simply duality, that is, electrons, protons, neutrons and photons, etc should all be called duality, certainly not particle nor wave. Our reluctance or inability to part with the word “particle” is such that, however, the objects in the quantum world — be they electrons, photons, protons, neutrons, quarks and whatever — are continually referred to as “particles,” as in unstable particles, elementary particle physics and so on.

N for a system with n degrees of freedom is taken to the limit n → ∞ and in that limit the values of a field at each point of space are to be considered as independent generalized coordinates. Consider a simple mechanical example of a continuous string: the vertical displacement function, say, ρ(x, t), stands for the amplitude of displacements of the continuous string at position x and at time t and its values at each position can be taken as independent generalized coordinates. The discrete index i of the generalized coordinates for point mechanics is replaced by the continuous coordinate variable x, and the fields themselves — Aµ (x) of the electromagnetic field, φ(x) of 41 January 16, 2014 42 16:6 9in x 6in A Story of Light (2nd Edition) b1720-ch08 From Photons to Higgs: A Story of Light (2nd Edition) the Klein–Gordon field, ψα (x) of the Dirac field, and so on — take the place of generalized coordinates.

When quantum mechanics replaced the classical dynamics of Newton, Lagrange and Hamilton, the concept of particle went January 16, 2014 16:6 9in x 6in A Story of Light (2nd Edition) Equations for Duality b1720-ch05 33 through a fundamental revision, from that of a well-defined classical point mass to one of quantum-mechanical wave–particle duality in which it is neither a particle in the classical sense nor a wave in the classical sense, but a new reality in the quantum world that displays both particle-like and wave-like properties.

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