Foreign bodies : Oceania and the science of race 1750-1940 by Bronwen Douglas, Chris Ballard

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By Bronwen Douglas, Chris Ballard

From the 18th century, Oceania turned the central laboratory of raciology for students, voyagers, and colonizers alike. through juxtaposing encounters and concept, this magisterial ebook explores the semantics of human distinction in all its emotional, highbrow, non secular, and functional dimensions. The argument built is sophisticated, engrossing, and offers the paradigm of 'race' its complete use worth. international our bodies is a version of study and erudition from which historians of technology and everybody drawn to intercultural kin will enormously revenue.

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Extra resources for Foreign bodies : Oceania and the science of race 1750-1940

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Erromanga the Martyr Isle, ed. John Fraser. London: Hodder and Stoughton. Sanz, Carlos. 1973. Australia su descubrimiento y denominación: con la reproducción facsimil del memorial número 8 de Quirós en español original, y en las diversas traducciones contemporáneas. Madrid: Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. Schaffer, Simon. 2007. 'On Seeing Me Write': Inscription Devices in the South Seas. Representations 97:90-122. Schiebinger, Londa. 2004 [1993]. Nature's Body: Gender in the Making of Modern Science.

Wilson, Kathleen. 2003. The Island Race: Englishness, Empire and Gender in the Eighteenth Century. London: Routledge. Wroth, Lawrence C. 1944. The Early Cartography of the Pacific. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 38 (2):87-268. Young, Robert M. 1977. Science Is Social Relations. Radical Science Journal 5 (1977):65-129. Zimmerman, Andrew. 2001. Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Notes 1 On these themes, see Cowlishaw 2000; Gould 1996; Harrison 1995; Kaiwar and Mazumdar 2003; Kohn 1996; Littlefield, Lieberman, and Reynolds 1982; Malik 1996; Montagu 1997.

1770-1. An Historical Collection of the Several Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, 2 vols. London: J. Nourse, T. Payne and P. Elmsley. Domeny de Rienzi, Grégoire Louis. 1836-8. Océanie ou cinquième partie du monde: revue géographique et ethnographique de la Malaisie, de la Micronésie, de la Polynésie et de la Mélanésie, offrant les résultats des voyages et des découvertes de l'auteur et de ses devanciers, ainsi que ses nouvelles classifications et divisions de ces contrées, 3 vols.

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