Elementary Solid State Physics: Principles and Applications by M. Ali Omar

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By M. Ali Omar

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26. An increase in the tilt angle of the main chain with increase in the side chain length was also observed as shown in Fig. 27 [41, 59]. From the results of water contact angle measurements, the side chains are oriented inward. Therefore, the side chains may not directly affect the pretilt angle generation of the LC. A linear relationship between the pretilt angle of the LC and the tilt angle of the main chain of the polymer was observed with or without side chains, independent of the length of the side chains, and an asymmetric distribution between the parallel and antiparallel directions relative to the rubbing direction was considered to be due to the asymmetric tilt angle of the main chains.

33 Alignment for a twist-reverse defect. angle is not large enough or if the effect of the fringe electric field is strong, the twist direction will be reversed. The alignment for the twist-reverse defect is shown in Fig. 33. Increasing the amount of chiral agent to decrease the chiral pitch is effective in eliminating the twist-reverse, but increasing the chiral agent concentration increases the threshold voltage of the display. Therefore, a large pretilt angle is preferred in order to suppress twist-reverse defects.

In these equations, the rubbing strength is proportional to the number of times a substrate is rubbed. However, this relationship holds only in the weak rubbing regime. Actually, the effects of the number passes through rubbing and the rubbing pressure are not the same. An analysis of the rubbing strength in a weak rubbing regime has been reported [62]. The rubbing stress F can be expressed by the equation [25], F ¼ mf aY ; ð2:4Þ Here, mf, a, and Y are the effective contact density between the alignment material and the rubbing cloth, the contact area, and the yield stress of the alignment material.

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