Develop your leadership skills, revised edition by John Eric Adair

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By John Eric Adair

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Do you mention the importance of example to team leaders who report to you? □ □ Now, as I have already mentioned, there is a distinction between ‘good leadership’ and being a ‘leader for good’, although it is not one I would want to press too far. You should set yourself the ideal of being both. For only ‘leadership for good’ works with human nature in the long run. What is a good example? Again, the three-circle model can help us. Look at ‘Key questions for good leadership’ in the box opposite.

Administering that scarce resource, your own time, is the priority for any leader. 44 Develop Your Leadership Skills Exercise Keep a log of how you spend your time over a two-week period, if possible charting every half-hour at work. Then go through it putting a ‘T’ for ‘Task’, ‘TM’ for ‘Team Maintenance’, and ‘I’ for ‘Individual Needs’ beside each item. You may of course put more than one of these code letters beside each item. This exercise, properly done, will give you an idea of how much of your key resource – time – is not being spent in your core role as a leader.

Is the plan simple and as foolproof as possible, rather than complicated? □ □ Does the plan include necessary preparation or training of the team and its members? □ □ Briefing Briefing is the function of communicating objectives and plans to the team. It usually involves standing or sitting in front of the team and briefing them in a face-to-face way. Like all functions, briefing can be done with skill, for there is a right way to brief a group and a wrong way. Briefing, in fact, is part of a much larger communication skill: effective speaking.

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