Bone Marrow Pathology, Third Edition by Barbara J. Bain, David M. Clark, Irvin A. Lampert, Bridget

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By Barbara J. Bain, David M. Clark, Irvin A. Lampert, Bridget S. Wilkins(auth.)

Content material:
Chapter 1 the traditional Bone Marrow (pages 1–50):
Chapter 2 particular strategies appropriate to Bone Marrow analysis (pages 51–89):
Chapter three an infection and Reactive alterations (pages 90–140):
Chapter four Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, the Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Histiocytic Neoplasms (pages 141–190):
Chapter five continual Myeloproliferative and Myeloproliferative/Myelodysplastic problems (pages 191–230):
Chapter 6 Lymphoproliferative problems (pages 231–331):
Chapter 7 a number of Myeloma and comparable problems (pages 332–359):
Chapter eight problems of Erythropoiesis, Granulopoiesis and Thrombopoiesis (pages 360–390):
Chapter nine Miscellaneous problems (pages 391–429):
Chapter 10 Metastatic Tumours (pages 430–461):
Chapter eleven ailments of Bone (pages 462–473):

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Extra info for Bone Marrow Pathology, Third Edition

Example text

Fig. 59 BM trephine biopsy section showing formalin pigment. H&E ×376. THE NORMAL BONE MARROW 43 Fig. 60 BM trephine biopsy section showing megakaryocytes surrounded by an empty space as a consequence of shrinkage artefact. H&E ×376. Fig. 61 BM trephine biopsy specimen showing an artefact caused by using a blunt knife. H&E ×376. identification. Shrinkage artefact also leads to megakaryocytes appearing within large empty spaces (Fig. 60). The use of a blunt knife can lead to tearing of sections or to the sections appearing banded (Fig.

Choice of further special stains is dependent on clinical features and histological findings. Obviously, in many cases, as when there is heavy infiltration by leukaemic cells or metastatic carcinoma, the above scheme is modified. Reporting trephine biopsy sections The trephine biopsy report [35] should include a statement as to the length of the biopsy specimen and its integrity. The report of the microscopic appearance should describe the cellularity and any abnormality in bone, stroma or haemopoietic tissue.

The cytoplasm may contain occasional vacuoles and sometimes stains pink with a May–Grünwald–Giemsa (MGG) stain, consequent on the presence of carbohydrate. The nuclear chromatin shows prominent coarse clumps, although the clock-face chromatin pattern which is often discernible in histological sections is usually less apparent in films. Occasional normal plasma cells have two or more nuclei. Plasma cells may occur in small clumps and may be detected within aspirated marrow fragments and around capillaries.

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