Ein Meister aus Deutschland: Heidegger und seine Zeit by Rüdiger Safranski

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By Rüdiger Safranski

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In February 1913. the Armory Show opened in New York, giving Americans their first horrified look at Cubism and other aspects of the "new spirit" in Kuropean art. From the outset. 33 the outraged guardians ol Descciidin^d Today is it somewhat l)u(liaiu|) s difheult to understand vvhv the [)ainting sliould Duchamp himself was inclined to caused most of the trouble. In traditional title nudes stood or reclined: they had never before come down SEEING NEW YORK WITH Whatever the reason, people stood stairs.

In March of 1917 the center of operations was shifted to theCalerie Dada. " new recruit would I They showed paintings by Hans Richter. who, together with the Swedish painter A, dthough several of the early Dadaists were never an art movement. It was of mind, a violent assault on first all tomatic of a culture about to "We a \ iking Eggeling. artists. and foremost art Dada medium. itself was a revolutionary state accepted values. "All of us were ene- mies of the old rationalistic, bourgeois wrote.

Dada from very inception took the form ol highly aggressive public action its some- thing that could not he said of the readymades. However, Ducharnp's New York activities were showing an increasingly aggressive tendency; lw() ol before taking temporary leave of Ducham[) to trace the frenetic rise and fall of Dada, Duchamp it that The Society is worth recalling well-known provocative gesture by a was clearly Dadaistic a Diichamps snow stiovel The shovel was artist Duchamp had helped to New York, put on an exhibition in 1917 that was open to any who paid the six-dollar fee.

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