A History Of Industrial Chemistry by F. Sherwood Taylor

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By F. Sherwood Taylor

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The compensated immune function will have little impact on health, which is the intended purpose of such responses. Adverse health effects may occur if the cell type(s) involved in the compensatory responses are critical for long-term immunological homeostasis or maintenance of health. Cells involved in regulatory functions or their cell products are prime candidates. 6 COMPENSATION ASSOCIATED WITH IMMUNOTOXICANTS In classical immunotoxicological studies normal endpoints for evaluation have included humoral immunity, lymphocyte blastogenesis, macrophage function, and phenotypic Investigative immunotoxicology 8 expression of cell-surface antigens.

The T-lymphocyte-dependent antibody response and the T-lymphocyte blastogenesis were suppressed, suggesting impaired T-lymphocyte function. If the antibody response was expressed per spleen rather than per viable spleen cell, no suppression was observed. This indicated that the chlorpyrifos exposure impaired spleen cell (lymphocyte) function, but the impact of the suppression was overcome by producing more subfunctional cells. Other interpretations are also possible to explain these observations, but were not investigated.

Local inflammation noted in some tree swallows evaluated by Bishop et al. , increased WBC). , 1999), and thus fumigated areas may actually have reduced parasite populations that may translate to diminished immune parameters. As it is generally accepted that appreciable stress can have deleterious effects on immune status, such considerations should influence design and interpretation of an ecoimmunotoxicity experiment. In addition to natural sources of stress such as weather and nutritional status, stress through capture and/or confinement should be recognized.

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